Bar Tables


SKU: 14697778a582 Category:


Our Unique Bar Table is structured for Design and comfort. Each piece is finished with several coats of Alcohol Base of Single Pack clear coating, giving the surface a smooth  finish that is easily cleaned using a damp cotton cloth with a mild soap and water mixture. The clear Single Pack coating also protects the timbers surface from accidental stains making our table tops suitable for commercial businesses such as the food industry. Our Indoor and Outdoor Oil Finishes provide a look that revives our Raw Living Timbers, and gives you many features including knots, gum veins and Earthy grains. Maintence is required for all ‘Oil Finishes’ on Woodbree Products before every spring or when the timber discolors or looks dry which ever comes first, just Apply a new coat of oil for outdoor furiniture by brushing it on, and removing excess with a soft cotton dry cloth.

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